PARS DRILLING FLUID (PDF) Company has established certain basic HSE policies to outline broad standards of conduct in specific areas with high risk of company operations. Seniors and Company Managers are responsible for implementing the more detailed procedures to ensure compliance of all personnel with these policies.
The following pages contain the Pars Drilling Fluid (PDF) company Policy statements:- Health and Safety Policy- Drug and Alcohol Policy- Smoking Policy- Land transport Policy - P.P.E. Policy- Environmental Policy- Training Policysubcontractors will comply with Pars Drilling
All Fluid (PDF) HSE Policies as a condition of their contract. Every reasonable effort has been made to safeguard lives, prevent various types of accident/catastrophes and implement the best environmentally practices.
Also we follow ISO 14001(EMS):2004 and ISO 18001(OHSAS): 2007 that all of these systems based on PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Action) that are going to deploy in our company.
PDCA circle is OHSAS18000 occupational health and safety management system to run basic, but also ISO14000, ISO9000 management system to run base, PDCA circle (below diagram) is the root of all modern management system, operation mode